
About Nexus

Joining Bonus | Brand new May Launch | Automated Gambling | Unique Maps | Frequent Events | Item Upgrading


Nexus is a private server that launched in May of 2023.

We offer a gameplay experience like no other. With huge amounts of attention to detail put into every piece of content added, Nexus has the best pacing out of any server.

No matter what style of gameplay you prefer, whether it be ironman, pvp, or engaging in an active economy – you will find it here.

We have a unique perk system, sigil system, and item upgrading system. We also have tons of fun bosses with unique mechanics, as well as group raids and boss instancing.


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Nexus RSPS screenshot 5


  • Type: Economy
  • Tags: Gambling, Ironman Modes, PvM, and PvP
  • Votes: 0 (current month)
  • Added: 438 day(s) ago
  • Server ID: 47287
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